Thursday 10 March 2011

The onset of Spring hopefully brings happiness and contentment as the first flowers push their way out of the soil, stretching towards the sun they need to enable them to flourish and live healthy lives.  The same could be said for us humans who also need and benefit from the warmth of the sun, to lighten our mood and make the world we live in seem a much brighter and nicer place.
With these thoughts in mind I added text to the images:
  • A time to laugh
  • A time to cry
as I wanted to add a hint of poignancy to the picture.

I wanted to give these pictures an oriental feel, hence the black penned swirls and the the overall colour scheme of both images.  I felt they added a sense of mystique together with dramatic contrast between the flowers and the dark, almost blurred, foreground.
It would have been too easy to have created a typically pretty picture with the flowers being so prominent, and the general composition of the picture, but I chose instead to give it a more interesting perspective by going towards a more atmospheric feel to the painting.  Using a dark vignette effect that shades off into the surrounding color at the edges, I hoped to achieve this.  I use this art effect regularly in my work as I appreciate the way the technique softens the edges of a picture in vignette style.

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